Cox Arboretum
"The calm breeze is swaying back and fourth, the birds are chirping and it is so beautiful outside. I never want to leave this place!"
Today I went to Cox Arboretum. It was so much fun because we did a scavenger hunt, and I got to connect with nature on a very personal level. My friends and I really enjoyed this trip, because we got to explore on our own. And it really gave us a chance to unplug, and just take in all the nature. Our legs were literally burring after the trip. We actually feel asleep on the bus. Little did we know we had a lot more trips to come. During the trip we got to see animals, and even climbed the tree tower to get a better view of the whole park in general. While exploring my friends and I found a frog, which we then proceeded to name Fred. This trip overall was one to remember, and I cant wait to see what happens next.